Run for office
We are always looking for our next candidate! If you have considered running for elected office, we’re eager to hear from you. Local elections impact our lives. Our job is to lower the barrier to entry for candidates and provide support - from election law, to getting on the ballot, to tactical and strategic support, to managing campaigns, fundraising, messaging and everything in between.
We all know the political realities of Yates County.
Although 45% of registered voters are Republicans and the other voters are pretty evenly split between Democrats and unaffiliated voters, the Republican Party overwhelmingly controls the county and town governments.
Please realize that:
In 2023, 47 candidates ran for Town Races. Forty-three were unopposed, meaning 92% of the candidates knew they would be elected before voting began. Three Democrats ran, and all were elected.
Also, In 2023, a Democrat and an Independent were elected to the County Legislature, which had only Republican members for the previous 14 years.
Local Governments make essential decisions. For example, last November, the Town of Benton doubled the water rates in four water districts. At its January meeting, the Town of Milo denied a proposal to annex a 72-acre parcel to the Village of Penn Yan, which would have provided land for a 500-unit housing development. Neither Benton nor Milo has a Democrat on their Town Board.
We are looking for Democratic candidates for this year’s election. Although the election is in November, candidates can only circulate petitions for these seats between February 25 and April 3. The YCDC will help every candidate at every step of their campaign.
This year, each of the nine towns in Yates County will have two board members up for election. Supervisors will be elected for Barrington, Benton, Italy, Jerusalem, Potter, and Torrey. Additionally, Town Clerks will be on the November ballot in Barrington, Italy, Potter, Middlesex, Milo, and Torrey.
At the County level, Legislative District #1 (Italy, Jerusalem, and Middlesex) has four Legislator seats up for election, and Legislative District #2 (Benton, Potter, and Torrey) has three. The District Attorney, County Coroner, and County Treasurer are also up for election this year.
The current County Treasurer has announced that she will not run for another term. The Treasurer sets her office hours. This year, she is in the office on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10:00 to 3:00 and by appointment. The new Treasurer can change those hours. I am including information on the powers and duties of our Treasurer.
We want to provide you with the tools you need to run a great campaign, get out the vote and win. Reach out and let us help.